Sunday, April 27, 2008


For everyone getting stressed out about the upcoming AP tests, let's keep our heads up for two and a half more weeks. Really, that's how much time is left and it'll all be over before we know it. Then it's PARTY TIME!

Today I got a haircut and it's really pissing me off. My barber must have had a spurt of creativity and decided to experiment on me as a guinea pig. Basically it looks like I have a fucking propeller on my head. Symmetrically it makes no sense at all. I have a Berlin Wall at the left side of my head and then a much bolder and outrageous Great Wall of China at the right. When I got home and took a closer look (I was sleeping while getting my hair cut), I started yelling out names of ethnic headwear that my hair resembled. Man I feel duped.

For those of you who didn't have a chance to read my article in The Gamut, the Dinner in the Dark Event is on Friday, May 9 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Teenagers at Braille Institute are holding the charity event to raise money for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. If you are interested in coming, you will be served dinner blindfolded to simulate what it's like to be blind. Tickets are $10, but the food will be awesome, and there will also be musical performances by students from different high schools. Let me know if you are interested.

So I asked Kat to prom last week. It was really a spur of the moment thing (at midnight before the ticket prices rose) because I never gave prom too much serious thought. Anyway I had no idea how I was going to ask her so I thought about it in the shower the next morning. Then I remembered Will Nguyen's idea about using Common's I Used to Love Her and then figured I may just rap it. After all, I've listened to the song tons of times so it shouldn't be that hard. I would just have to change some words around (I almost missed the line "A few New York niggas had did her in the park" ) and then set it up for APUSH class.

I woke Will up at 6:45 in the morning and he was kind enough to find me the instrumentals. Then I set it up with Casanova and all was good. The actual "performance". It's really hard for me to describe what I was feeling up there. It was easily the most nervewracking experience in my life. I was scared, pissed, frustrated, embarrassed all at the same time. This beat out all of my previous failures in life and all of my previous embarrassments including the time I accidentally read my diary aloud in elementary school. This beat out Kobe's adultery expose, Bill Clinton's White House affair, Nixon's humming over Watergate tapes, Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo, Kwame Brown being drafted first, etc. But nevertheless, I'm glad I did it and I hope Kat has fun.

Song of the hour: Masta Ace- Brooklyn Masala