I found this picture of Period 6 Intro to Business from last year. Good times. Haha I love Andrew's pose.
Man, the Lakers are losing 70-51 to the Utah Jazz at halftime right now, and it's really pissing me off. Kobe's owning, but the Lakers never play defense. The Jazz don't even have Okur and Boozer and they still put up 70 points in two quarters. Lakers always seem to be the team that lets an opposing player break out of a slump or have a career day. Bruce Bowen and Bonzi Wells come to mind. And now Paul Millsap...
I still can't get over the fact that people in our class played Mormon Kissing Game last day of our sophomore year. It's something that's been bothering me on and off. It's not that I am morally opposed to it, it just simply feels out of character. The goal of the game is to wrestle someone down and force a kiss on the cheek... Maybe I am not yet too familiar with American culture.
Jazzy by MF Doom and Madlib is absolutely amazing. It's definitely jazzilicious and has the perfect vibes for smoking a joint (if you wanted to). For some reason, it also reminds me of the night scenery. Oh, and the song "Candyland" by Soul Position. Talk about walking down memory lane.
I wonder about what it will be like if right now I suddenly moved to another part of the world. Maybe even another state in the U.S. What fascinates me is the opportunity to create a new identity for myself. I could make myself out to be whatever I wanted in these new surroundings, and no one would object because no one would know about my past. It's interesting how my identity is so closely tied to my society and peers. I wonder how many people would like the chance to craft a new identity.
And finally... everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days. <3
yeah i decided not to play the mormon kissing game...wasn't my type of game lol.
no matter where you go, i shall know you as steve and steve alone. and i shall spread this identity to the world.
Mormon Kissing Game seems weird until you actually play it. It's surprisingly fun. Just give it a chance
hahhaa the kissing game... yeah i didn't play either. lol
RAGHAV... shame on you.
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